Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA)


January 1, 2021

Material required for this chapter
Type Name Link
Theory Numerical Ecology in R See pages 140-145
Slides CA lecture slides 💾 BCB743_10_PCoA.pdf
Data The Doubs River data 💾 Doubs.RData
The seaweed environmental data 💾 SeaweedEnv.RData
The seaweed bioregion classification 💾 bioregions.csv.

Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) is also known as Classical Multidimensional Scaling (MDS). It is an ordination technique used to analyse and represent multivariate data based on a (dis)similarity matrix. We use PCoA when it is necessary to specify dissimilarity measures other than Euclidean distance or \(\chi^2\) distance, as in PCA and CA, respectively.

Unlike PCA and CA, which operate directly on the raw data matrix, PCoA takes a (dis)similarity matrix as input. This matrix can be calculated using various dissimilarity measures available in vegan’s vegdist() function, which may be necessary when our dataset includes quantitative, semi-quantitative, qualitative, and mixed variables. If the dissimilarities are Euclidean distances, PCoA results are equivalent to those obtained from PCA.

PCoA performs a dimensionality reduction on the (dis)similarity matrix, scaling the dissimilarities and returning a set of points in a lower-dimensional space (typically 2D or 3D). When plotted, the Euclidean distances between these points approximate the original dissimilarities, effectively representing the dissimilarities between objects as Euclidean distances in a lower-dimensional space. This representation can be helpful in visualising and interpreting complex relationships in a more interpretable form.

Conceptually, PCoA is similar to PCA and CA in that it aims to represent the relationships between objects in a lower-dimensional space. However, it differs in its approach to preserving distances. While PCA preserves Euclidean distances between objects and CA preserves \(\chi^2\) distances, PCoA can preserve any (dis)similarity measure provided as input and so it is more flexible for handling a greater range of data types.

In PCoA, the eigenvalues represent the extent to which each principal coordinate axis captures the variability in the original dissimilarity matrix. The proportion of a given eigenvalue to the sum of all eigenvalues indicates the relative importance of each axis. Higher eigenvalues represent axes that capture more variance (or dissimilarity) in the data, helping identify the most significant gradients in the dataset.

While earlier versions of PCoA in vegan did not provide information about the original variables, this limitation has been overcome in newer versions of the capscale() function.

Set-up the Analysis Environment


# setting up a 'root' file path so I don't have to keep doing it later...
root <- "../data/"

The Doubs River Data

We continue to use the species data:

load(paste0(root, "NEwR-2ed_code_data/NEwR2-Data/Doubs.RData"))
# remove the 8th row because it sums to zero
spe <- dplyr::slice(spe, -8)

Calculate a Suitable Dissimilarity Matrix

You may or may not want to calculate a dissimilarity index upfront (see below). Here I calculate the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity which is appropriate for abundance data:

spe_bray <- vegdist(spe)

Do the PCoA

The book Numerical Ecology in R uses a built-in function cmdscale() or the function pcoa() in ape for its PCoA calculation. The vegan function capscale() can also be used for PCoA, and this is the approach I take here. The ‘CAP’ in capscale() stands for ‘Canonical Analysis of Principal Coordinates’. capscale() works differently from rda() or cca() in that we can only specify the input via a formula interface. See ?capscale for information. To run a PCoA without constraints we use 1 on the right-hand side of the formula (this suggests that PCoA also offer options for constrained ordination), with the dissimilarity matrix on the left. Here is how, and I give three options for doing the analysis:

Option 1: Supply a precalculated dissimilarity matrix

# spe_pcoa <- cmdscale(spe_bray, k = nrow(spe) - 1, eig = TRUE)
spe_pcoa <- capscale(spe_bray ~ 1)
Call: capscale(formula = spe_bray ~ 1)

              Inertia Rank
Total          6.7621     
RealTotal      7.0583     
Unconstrained  7.0583   17
Imaginary     -0.2963     
Inertia is squared Bray distance 

Eigenvalues for unconstrained axes:
 MDS1  MDS2  MDS3  MDS4  MDS5  MDS6  MDS7  MDS8 
3.695 1.098 0.710 0.415 0.305 0.192 0.157 0.132 
(Showing 8 of 17 unconstrained eigenvalues)

When we do a summary() of the output we see that the results are similar to that of PCA and CA, but the Species scores are missing because information about original variables (species) are not available. This is due to the fact that in this instance input into capscale() was the square (site × site) dissimilarity matrix produced from the species table, not the raw species table itself. Here is the output:


capscale(formula = spe_bray ~ 1) 

Partitioning of squared Bray distance:
              Inertia Proportion
Total           7.058          1
Unconstrained   7.058          1

Eigenvalues, and their contribution to the squared Bray distance 

Importance of components:
                        MDS1   MDS2   MDS3    MDS4    MDS5    MDS6    MDS7
Eigenvalue            3.6953 1.0985 0.7105 0.41497 0.30456 0.19179 0.15697
Proportion Explained  0.5235 0.1556 0.1007 0.05879 0.04315 0.02717 0.02224
Cumulative Proportion 0.5235 0.6792 0.7798 0.83862 0.88177 0.90894 0.93118
                         MDS8    MDS9   MDS10    MDS11    MDS12   MDS13
Eigenvalue            0.13191 0.12943 0.08668 0.046158 0.038645 0.02746
Proportion Explained  0.01869 0.01834 0.01228 0.006539 0.005475 0.00389
Cumulative Proportion 0.94987 0.96820 0.98048 0.987023 0.992498 0.99639
                         MDS14    MDS15     MDS16     MDS17
Eigenvalue            0.013065 0.007088 0.0040395 0.0013006
Proportion Explained  0.001851 0.001004 0.0005723 0.0001843
Cumulative Proportion 0.998239 0.999243 0.9998157 1.0000000

Option 2: Supply the raw data to capscale()

We can provide the raw species table instead and request that capscale() calculates the required dissimilarity indices by automagically calling vegdist(). The advantage of this approach is that it adds species scores as weighted sums of (residual) community matrix, whereas only providing the pre-calculated dissimilarity matrix provides no fixed method for adding species scores. I advocate providing a raw species table to capscale() to retain the species information. This avoids many problems later on, such as having to calculate the weighted species scores ourselves.

spe_pcoa <- capscale(spe ~ 1, distance = "bray")
Call: capscale(formula = spe ~ 1, distance = "bray")

              Inertia Rank
Total          6.7621     
RealTotal      7.0583     
Unconstrained  7.0583   17
Imaginary     -0.2963     
Inertia is squared Bray distance 
Species scores projected from 'spe' 

Eigenvalues for unconstrained axes:
 MDS1  MDS2  MDS3  MDS4  MDS5  MDS6  MDS7  MDS8 
3.695 1.098 0.710 0.415 0.305 0.192 0.157 0.132 
(Showing 8 of 17 unconstrained eigenvalues)

summary() now produces a familiar and more complete output:


capscale(formula = spe ~ 1, distance = "bray") 

Partitioning of squared Bray distance:
              Inertia Proportion
Total           7.058          1
Unconstrained   7.058          1

Eigenvalues, and their contribution to the squared Bray distance 

Importance of components:
                        MDS1   MDS2   MDS3    MDS4    MDS5    MDS6    MDS7
Eigenvalue            3.6953 1.0985 0.7105 0.41497 0.30456 0.19179 0.15697
Proportion Explained  0.5235 0.1556 0.1007 0.05879 0.04315 0.02717 0.02224
Cumulative Proportion 0.5235 0.6792 0.7798 0.83862 0.88177 0.90894 0.93118
                         MDS8    MDS9   MDS10    MDS11    MDS12   MDS13
Eigenvalue            0.13191 0.12943 0.08668 0.046158 0.038645 0.02746
Proportion Explained  0.01869 0.01834 0.01228 0.006539 0.005475 0.00389
Cumulative Proportion 0.94987 0.96820 0.98048 0.987023 0.992498 0.99639
                         MDS14    MDS15     MDS16     MDS17
Eigenvalue            0.013065 0.007088 0.0040395 0.0013006
Proportion Explained  0.001851 0.001004 0.0005723 0.0001843
Cumulative Proportion 0.998239 0.999243 0.9998157 1.0000000

Option 3: Use pre-made dissimilarity matrix and add species back using sppscores()

Another approach to add back the species information into the ordination object produced by supplying the pre-made dissimialrity matrix to capscale():

spe_pcoa <- capscale(spe_bray ~ 1)
sppscores(spe_pcoa) <- spe


capscale(formula = spe_bray ~ 1) 

Partitioning of squared Bray distance:
              Inertia Proportion
Total           7.058          1
Unconstrained   7.058          1

Eigenvalues, and their contribution to the squared Bray distance 

Importance of components:
                        MDS1   MDS2   MDS3    MDS4    MDS5    MDS6    MDS7
Eigenvalue            3.6953 1.0985 0.7105 0.41497 0.30456 0.19179 0.15697
Proportion Explained  0.5235 0.1556 0.1007 0.05879 0.04315 0.02717 0.02224
Cumulative Proportion 0.5235 0.6792 0.7798 0.83862 0.88177 0.90894 0.93118
                         MDS8    MDS9   MDS10    MDS11    MDS12   MDS13
Eigenvalue            0.13191 0.12943 0.08668 0.046158 0.038645 0.02746
Proportion Explained  0.01869 0.01834 0.01228 0.006539 0.005475 0.00389
Cumulative Proportion 0.94987 0.96820 0.98048 0.987023 0.992498 0.99639
                         MDS14    MDS15     MDS16     MDS17
Eigenvalue            0.013065 0.007088 0.0040395 0.0013006
Proportion Explained  0.001851 0.001004 0.0005723 0.0001843
Cumulative Proportion 0.998239 0.999243 0.9998157 1.0000000

We can unpack what is inside the results, and there we can see that we can access the eigenvalues as we did for PCA and CA:

str(spe_pcoa) # not shown due to length of output

The percentage inertia explained by the first three axes is therefore:

round(sum(spe_pcoa$CA$eig[1:3]) / sum(spe_pcoa$CA$eig) * 100, 2)
[1] 77.98
# The `bstick()` function is not compatible with PCoA
# when negative eigenvalues are present
# Plot the scree plot without the broken stick model

# Extract eigenvalues
eigenvalues <- spe_pcoa$CA$eig

# Calculate the proportion of variance explained
variance_explained <- eigenvalues / sum(eigenvalues)

# Create a scree plot
plot(variance_explained, type = "b", main = "Scree Plot",
     xlab = "Principal Components", ylab = "Prop. Var. Explained")
Figure 1: Scree plot of the Doubs River environmental data PCA.

The scree plot (Figure 1) shows the proportion of variation explained by the PC axes. In this case, we will still only retain the first two axes. I selected these because after the 2nd PC, the proportion of variance explained by each additional PC is less than 10% and the plot starts levelling off.

See Numerical Ecology in R (pp. 140 to 145) for information about the interpretation of a PCoA and the ordination diagrams shown below.

Ordination Diagrams

We create the ordination diagrammes as before:

opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(spe_pcoa, scaling = 1, main = "PCoA fish abundances - biplot scaling 1")
plot(spe_pcoa, scaling = 2, main = "PCoA fish abundances - biplot scaling 2")
Figure 2: PCoA ordination plot of the Doubs River species data showing site scaling (left) and species scaling (right).

Scaling 1 and scaling 2 is the same as in PCA and CA.

The plots above work okay, but we can improve them. Note that you can also apply these improvements to PCA and CA ordinations. Let us build plots from scratch:

opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
pl1 <- ordiplot(spe_pcoa, type = "none", scaling = 1,
                main = "PCoA fish abundances - biplot scaling 1")
points(pl1, "sites", pch = 21, cex = 1.75, col = "grey80", bg = "grey80")
points(pl1, "species", pch = 21, col = "turquoise", arrows = TRUE)
text(pl1, "species", col = "blue4", cex = 0.9)
text(pl1, "sites", col = "red4", cex = 0.9)

pl2 <- ordiplot(spe_pcoa, type = "none", scaling = 2,
                main = "PCoA fish abundances - biplot scaling 2")
points(pl2, "sites", pch = 21, cex = 1.75, col = "grey80", bg = "grey80")
points(pl2, "species", pch = 21, col = "turquoise", arrows = TRUE)
text(pl2, "species", col = "blue4", cex = 0.9)
text(pl2, "sites", col = "red4", cex = 0.9)
Figure 3: PCoA ordination plot made with ordiplot() of the Doubs River species data showing site scaling (left) and species scaling (right).

We can also fit response surfaces using ordisurf():


opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mar = c(4, 4, 0.9, 0.5) + .1, mfrow = c(2, 2))
with(spe, tmp <- ordisurf(spe_pcoa ~ Satr, bubble = 3,
                          family = quasipoisson, knots = 2, col = 6,
                          display = "sites", main = "Salmo trutta fario"))
abline(h = 0, v = 0, lty = 3)
with(spe, tmp <- ordisurf(spe_pcoa ~ Scer, bubble = 3,
                          family = quasipoisson, knots = 2, col = 6,
                          display = "sites", main = "Scardinius erythrophthalmus"))
abline(h = 0, v = 0, lty = 3)
with(spe, tmp <- ordisurf(spe_pcoa ~ Teso, bubble = 3,
                          family = quasipoisson, knots = 2, col = 6,
                          display = "sites", main = "Telestes souffia"))
abline(h = 0, v = 0, lty = 3)
with(spe, tmp <- ordisurf(spe_pcoa ~ Cogo, bubble = 3,
                          family = quasipoisson, knots = 2, col = 6,
                          display = "sites", main = "Cottus gobio"))
abline(h = 0, v = 0, lty = 3)

env <- dplyr::slice(env, -8)

(spe_pcoa_env <- envfit(spe_pcoa, env, scaling = 2)) 


        MDS1     MDS2     r2 Pr(>r)    
dfs  0.99710  0.07609 0.7210  0.001 ***
ele -0.99807 -0.06208 0.5659  0.001 ***
slo -0.92225  0.38660 0.1078  0.136    
dis  0.99746 -0.07129 0.5324  0.001 ***
pH  -0.42673 -0.90438 0.0480  0.503    
har  0.98804  0.15417 0.2769  0.023 *  
pho  0.45343  0.89129 0.6912  0.001 ***
nit  0.86338  0.50456 0.6117  0.001 ***
amm  0.42719  0.90416 0.7076  0.001 ***
oxy -0.76847 -0.63989 0.7639  0.001 ***
bod  0.43152  0.90210 0.8561  0.001 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Permutation: free
Number of permutations: 999
plot(spe_pcoa_env, col = "grey40")
plot(spe_pcoa_env, p.max = 0.05, col = "red")
Figure 4: PCoA ordination plots with species response surfaces of the Doubs River species data emphasising four species of fish: A) Satr, B) Scer, C) Teso, and D) Cogo. D) additionally has the environmental vectors projected on the plot, with the significant vectors shown in red.

Handling Mixed Variable Types

The simplest way to handle mixed variable types is to use simply plot the factor variable of interest as a differently shaped or coloured symbol on the ordination diagram. I will demonstrate this with the seaweed dataset.

First, I construct an environmental dataset that contains some mixed variables by column binding a dataset of seawater temperatures and a bioregional classification of the 58 coastal sections:

bioreg <- read.csv(paste0(root, "seaweed/bioregions.csv"), header = TRUE)
load(paste0(root, "seaweed/SeaweedEnv.RData"))
E <- cbind(bioreg, env) %>% 
  mutate(spal.prov = factor(spal.prov),
         spal.ecoreg = factor(spal.ecoreg),
         lombard = factor(lombard),
         bolton = factor(bolton))
  spal.prov spal.ecoreg lombard bolton  febMean   febMax   febMed   febX95
1       BMP          NE   NamBR    BMP 13.00117 18.72044 12.66004 16.80969
2       BMP          NE   NamBR    BMP 13.37950 18.61897 13.18389 17.07242
3       BMP          NE   NamBR    BMP 13.36163 17.86458 13.23187 16.61114
4       BMP          NE   NamBR    BMP 13.28966 17.12073 13.10284 16.12137
5       BMP          NE   NamBR    BMP 12.81128 16.37829 12.40032 15.53240
6       BMP          NE   NamBR    BMP 12.40247 15.96730 11.75096 15.21999
  febRange  augMean   augMin   augMed    augX5 augRange  annMean    annSD
1 6.070326 11.75228 9.812431 11.82838 10.12598 2.502093 12.33503 1.255298
2 5.889300 11.57731 9.739288 11.61312 10.08165 2.973370 12.38795 1.401646
3 5.431383 11.29382 9.619388 11.26842 10.01617 3.084130 12.24332 1.474712
4 5.049024 11.13296 9.567049 11.02333 10.03277 2.995822 12.15410 1.505176
5 4.977916 11.23448 9.624302 10.99935 10.17375 2.940255 11.94613 1.449530
6 5.142721 11.50199 9.757004 11.15880 10.38581 2.925087 11.83773 1.385862
   annRange    febSD     augSD    annChl    augChl   febChl
1 1.2488912 1.625917 0.7665420  2.623040 11.070480 8.884580
2 1.8021850 1.753863 0.8969112  4.903870  8.760170 8.401560
3 2.0678127 1.703917 0.9408326  3.723187  8.356506 6.718254
4 2.1567012 1.593944 0.9393490  4.165980  4.164904 3.727157
5 1.5767921 1.517366 0.9542671  8.020257  8.765154 8.786165
6 0.9004776 1.501801 0.9768441 12.882601  7.591975 9.160030
'data.frame':   58 obs. of  22 variables:
 $ spal.prov  : Factor w/ 2 levels "AMP","BMP": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ spal.ecoreg: Factor w/ 2 levels "ABE","NE": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ lombard    : Factor w/ 4 levels "ABR","NamBR",..: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ bolton     : Factor w/ 4 levels "AMP","B-ATZ",..: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
 $ febMean    : num  13 13.4 13.4 13.3 12.8 ...
 $ febMax     : num  18.7 18.6 17.9 17.1 16.4 ...
 $ febMed     : num  12.7 13.2 13.2 13.1 12.4 ...
 $ febX95     : num  16.8 17.1 16.6 16.1 15.5 ...
 $ febRange   : num  6.07 5.89 5.43 5.05 4.98 ...
 $ augMean    : num  11.8 11.6 11.3 11.1 11.2 ...
 $ augMin     : num  9.81 9.74 9.62 9.57 9.62 ...
 $ augMed     : num  11.8 11.6 11.3 11 11 ...
 $ augX5      : num  10.1 10.1 10 10 10.2 ...
 $ augRange   : num  2.5 2.97 3.08 3 2.94 ...
 $ annMean    : num  12.3 12.4 12.2 12.2 11.9 ...
 $ annSD      : num  1.26 1.4 1.47 1.51 1.45 ...
 $ annRange   : num  1.25 1.8 2.07 2.16 1.58 ...
 $ febSD      : num  1.63 1.75 1.7 1.59 1.52 ...
 $ augSD      : num  0.767 0.897 0.941 0.939 0.954 ...
 $ annChl     : num  2.62 4.9 3.72 4.17 8.02 ...
 $ augChl     : num  11.07 8.76 8.36 4.16 8.77 ...
 $ febChl     : num  8.88 8.4 6.72 3.73 8.79 ...

In Smit et al. (2017) I used forward selection and the assessment of VIF to find only the non-collinear variables, which included augMean, febRange, febSD and augSD as the most parsimonious descriptors. I’ll do a PCoA of the seaweed environmental data (only the subset indicated above) and colour the sites by the bioregion:

E_pcoa <- capscale(env[, c("augMean", "febRange", "febSD", "augSD")] ~ 1)

col <- c("firebrick1", "seagreen4", "blue2", "goldenrod2")
pch <- c(17, 19)

opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
ordiplot(E_pcoa, type = "n", scaling = 1,
         xlim = c(-1.8, 2), ylim = c(-2.8, 1.2),
         main = "PCoA of seaweed env. data")
points(E_pcoa, "sites", pch = 21, cex = 1.75, col = col[E$bolton], bg = "white")
text(E_pcoa, "sites", col = col[E$bolton], cex = 0.5)
Figure 5: PCoA ordination plot of the seaweed environmental data with sites coloured by bioregion.

The arrangement of sites in the ordination diagram (Figure 5) is still only affected by augMean, febRange, febSD, and augSD and colour is used only to identify the sites by bioregion. Colour does not affect the outcome of the ordination, and yet we can already see that sites show a clear bioregional grouping. Please see the analysis of the Mayombo diatom dataset for additional approaches to deal with categorical variables that are presumed to be influential. To formally account for bioregion in the ordination, we must take a different approach.

The second option is to use a suitable dissimilarity metric. Numerical, nominal, ordinal, and binary variables can all be accommodated with the Gower distance. We do not use vegan for this, but rather the daisy() function in cluster.

We calculate the Gower distances and proceed with the PCoA as before:


# cannot use mixed var  types
# E_gower <- vegdist(E, method = "gower") 

# can handle mixed var types... use instead of vegdist() gower dissimilarity
E_gower <- daisy(E, metric = "gower") 

1653 dissimilarities, summarized :
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
0.006058 0.181880 0.344160 0.321890 0.443730 0.724140 
Metric :  mixed ;  Types = N, N, N, N, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I 
Number of objects : 58
E_mat <- as.matrix(E_gower)
E_mat[1:5, 1:5]
           1          2          3          4          5
1 0.00000000 0.03893923 0.05586573 0.09502716 0.06723042
2 0.03893923 0.00000000 0.02753347 0.06586077 0.04354363
3 0.05586573 0.02753347 0.00000000 0.04284923 0.04719106
4 0.09502716 0.06586077 0.04284923 0.00000000 0.06826655
5 0.06723042 0.04354363 0.04719106 0.06826655 0.00000000
E_pcoa <- capscale(E_mat ~ 1)

# sadly this means that the names in the Spcies scores are now missing

capscale(formula = E_mat ~ 1) 

Partitioning of squared Unknown distance:
              Inertia Proportion
Total            3.93          1
Unconstrained    3.93          1

Eigenvalues, and their contribution to the squared Unknown distance 

Importance of components:
                        MDS1   MDS2    MDS3    MDS4    MDS5    MDS6    MDS7
Eigenvalue            2.2311 1.0530 0.16179 0.11635 0.08678 0.05990 0.05202
Proportion Explained  0.5678 0.2680 0.04117 0.02961 0.02208 0.01524 0.01324
Cumulative Proportion 0.5678 0.8358 0.87693 0.90654 0.92863 0.94387 0.95711
                         MDS8     MDS9    MDS10    MDS11    MDS12    MDS13
Eigenvalue            0.04274 0.023523 0.019153 0.016634 0.013035 0.010275
Proportion Explained  0.01088 0.005986 0.004874 0.004233 0.003317 0.002615
Cumulative Proportion 0.96799 0.973971 0.978845 0.983079 0.986396 0.989011
                         MDS14    MDS15    MDS16    MDS17    MDS18     MDS19
Eigenvalue            0.008646 0.006938 0.005866 0.005202 0.004133 0.0033437
Proportion Explained  0.002200 0.001766 0.001493 0.001324 0.001052 0.0008509
Cumulative Proportion 0.991211 0.992976 0.994469 0.995793 0.996845 0.9976959
                          MDS20     MDS21     MDS22    MDS23     MDS24
Eigenvalue            0.0029563 0.0020816 0.0012713 0.001041 0.0007704
Proportion Explained  0.0007523 0.0005297 0.0003235 0.000265 0.0001961
Cumulative Proportion 0.9984482 0.9989779 0.9993015 0.999567 0.9997626
                          MDS25     MDS26     MDS27
Eigenvalue            3.718e-04 2.940e-04 2.671e-04
Proportion Explained  9.463e-05 7.482e-05 6.798e-05
Cumulative Proportion 9.999e-01 9.999e-01 1.000e+00

We can extract the various kinds of scores for manual plotting.




BibTeX citation:
  author = {J. Smit, Albertus},
  title = {Principal {Coordinate} {Analysis} {(PCoA)}},
  date = {2021-01-01},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
J. Smit A (2021) Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA).