Lab 4. Species Distribution Patterns
This material must be reviewed by BCB743 students in Week 1 of Quantitative Ecology.
- The Barro Colorado Island Tree Counts data (Condit et al. 2002) – load vegan and load the data with
- The Oribatid mite data (Borcard et al. 1992; Borcard and Legendre 1994) – load vegan and load the data with
- The seaweed species data (Smit et al. 2017) –
- The Doubs River species data (Verneaux 1973; Borcard et al. 2011) –
In this Lab, we will calculate the various species distribution patterns included in the paper by Shade et al. (2018).
The Data
We will calculate each for the Barro Colorado Island Tree Counts data that come with vegan. See ?vegan::BCI
for a description of the data contained with the package, as well as a selection of publications relevant to the data and analyses. The primary publication of interest is Condit et al. (2002).
#library(vegan) # already loaded
#library(tidyverse) # already loaded
data(BCI) # data contained within vegan
# make a head-tail function
ht <- function(d) rbind(head(d, 7), tail(d, 7))
# Lets look at a portion of the data:
Abarema.macradenia Vachellia.melanoceras Acalypha.diversifolia
1 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
4 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
6 0 0 0
7 0 0 0
Acalypha.macrostachya Adelia.triloba Aegiphila.panamensis
1 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
4 0 3 0
5 0 1 1
6 0 0 0
7 0 0 1
1 2
2 1
3 2
4 18
5 3
6 2
7 0
Species-Abundance Distribution
The species abundance distribution (SAD) is a fundamental pattern in ecology. Typical communities have a few species that are very abundant, whereas most of them are quite rare; indeed—this is perhaps a universal law in ecology. SAD represents this relationship graphically by plotting the abundance rank on the fisherfit()
function (Figure 1). The curve in Fisher’s logarithmic series shows the expected number of species
# take one random sample of a row (site):
# for this website's purpose, this function ensure the same random
# sample is drawn each time the web page is recreated
k <- sample(nrow(BCI), 1)
fish <- fisherfit(BCI[k,])
Fisher log series model
No. of species: 95
Fisher alpha: 39.87659
Preston (1948) showed that when data from a thoroughly sampled population are transformed into octaves along the prestondistr()
(Figure 2):
Preston lognormal model
Method: maximized likelihood to log2 abundances
No. of species: 95
mode width S0
0.9234918 1.6267630 26.4300640
Frequencies by Octave
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Observed 19.00000 27.00000 21.50000 17.00000 7.000000 2.500000 1.0000000
Fitted 22.49669 26.40085 21.23279 11.70269 4.420327 1.144228 0.2029835
Whittaker (1965) introduced rank abundance distribution curves (RAD; sometimes called a dominance-diversity curve or Whittaker plots). Here the radfit()
function. The default plot is somewhat more complicated as it shows broken-stick, preemption, log-Normal, Zipf and Zipf-Mandelbrot models fitted to the ranked species abundance data (Figure 3):
RAD models, family poisson
No. of species 95, total abundance 392
par1 par2 par3 Deviance AIC BIC
Null 56.3132 324.6477 324.6477
Preemption 0.042685 55.8621 326.1966 328.7504
Lognormal 0.84069 1.0912 16.1740 288.5085 293.6162
Zipf 0.12791 -0.80986 21.0817 293.4161 298.5239
Mandelbrot 0.66461 -1.2374 4.1886 6.6132 280.9476 288.6093
We can also fit the rank abundance distribution curves to several sites at once (previously we have done so on only one site) (Figure 4):
Deviance for RAD models:
3 37 10 13 6 22
Null 86.1127 93.5952 77.2737 52.6207 72.1627 114.1747
Preemption 58.9295 104.0978 62.7210 57.7372 54.7709 110.5156
Lognormal 29.2719 19.0653 20.4770 15.8218 19.5788 26.2510
Zipf 50.1262 11.3048 39.7066 22.8006 32.4630 15.5222
Mandelbrot 5.7342 8.9107 9.8353 12.1701 5.5973 9.6047
Above, we see that the model selected for capturing the shape of the SAD is the Mandelbrot, and it is plotted individually for each of the randomly selected sites. Model selection works through Akaike’s or Schwartz’s Bayesian information criteria (AIC or BIC; AIC is the default—select the model with the lowest AIC).
BiodiversityR (and here and here) also offers options for rank abundance distribution curves; see rankabundance()
(Figure 5):
Refer to the help files for the respective functions to see their differences.
Occupancy-Abundance Curves
Occupancy refers to the number or proportion of sites in which a species is detected. Occupancy-abundance relationships are used to infer niche specialisation patterns in the sampling region. The hypothesis (almost a theory) is that species that tend to have high local abundance within one site also tend to occupy many other sites (Figure 6).
# A function for counts:
# count number of non-zero elements per column
count_fun <- function(x) {
length(x[x > 0])
BCI_OA <- data.frame(occ = apply(BCI, MARGIN = 2, count_fun),
ab = apply(BCI, MARGIN = 2, mean))
ggplot(BCI_OA, aes(x = ab, y = occ/max(occ))) +
geom_point(colour = "indianred3") +
scale_x_log10() +
# scale_y_log10() +
labs(title = "Barro Colorado Island Tree Counts",
x = "Log (abundance)", y = "Occupancy") +
Species-Area (Accumulation)
Species accumulation curves (species area relationships, SAR) try and estimate the number of unseen species. These curves can be used to predict and compare changes in diversity over increasing spatial extent. Within an ecosystem type, one would expect that more and more species would be added (accumulates) as the number of sampled sites increases (i.e. extent increases). This continues to a point where no more new species are added as the number of sampled sites continues to increase (i.e. the curve plateaus). Species accumulation curves, as the name suggests, accomplishes this by adding (accumulation or collecting) more and more sites and counting the average number of species along specaccum()
function has many different ways of adding the new sites to the curve, but the default ‘exact’ seems to be a sensible choice. BiodiversityR has the accumresult()
function that does nearly the same. Let’s demonstrate using vegan’s function (Figure 7, Figure 8, and Figure 9):
mods <- fitspecaccum(sp2, "arrh")
plot(mods, col = "indianred", ylab = "No. of species")
boxplot(sp2, col = "yellow", border = "steelblue2", lty = 1, cex = 0.3, add = TRUE)
sapply(mods$models, AIC)
[1] 311.4642 303.7835 346.3668 320.0786 338.7978 320.2538 325.6968 346.2671
[9] 320.3900 343.8570 318.2509 369.8303 335.9936 350.8711 327.9831 348.1287
[17] 328.2393 347.8133 324.3837 314.8555 333.1390 340.5678 332.6836 360.5208
[25] 335.3660 325.3150 347.4324 336.7498 336.6374 276.1878 349.9283 295.0268
[33] 308.4656 315.8304 303.0776 329.8425 356.2393 368.4302 318.0514 359.5975
[41] 327.4228 335.7604 259.8340 318.0063 335.7753 285.8790 323.5174 300.3546
[49] 327.1448 355.2747 288.2583 366.5995 287.4120 327.5877 362.6487 323.5904
[57] 339.5650 321.2264 336.6331 353.1295 317.9578 311.6528 336.3613 337.8327
[65] 328.4787 311.6842 345.8035 367.5620 319.0269 305.6546 338.7805 321.8859
[73] 330.6029 326.7097 345.8923 338.4755 352.8710 355.8038 307.7327 329.2355
[81] 341.6628 340.1687 333.4771 348.3144 321.4417 317.4331 339.2211 313.1990
[89] 305.3069 342.4581 318.0308 299.7067 294.7851 324.3237 333.5849 349.2749
[97] 369.8287 323.0041 332.6820 329.3875
Species accumulation curves can also be calculated with the alpha.accum()
function of the BAT package (Figure 10). In addition, the BAT package can also apply various diversity and species distribution assessments to phylogenetic and functional diversity. See the examples provided by Cardoso et al. (2015).
Rarefaction Curves
Like species accumulation curves, rarefaction curves also try to estimate the number of unseen species. Rarefaction, meaning to scale down (Heck Jr et al. 1975), is a statistical technique used by ecologists to assess species richness (represented as S, or diversity indices such as Shannon diversity,
Rarefaction curves may seem similar to species accumulation curves, but there is a difference as I will note below. Species richness, S, accumulates with sample size or with the number of individuals sampled (across all species). The first way that rarefaction curves are presented is to show species richness as a function of number of individuals sampled. Here the principle demonstrated is that when only a few individuals are sampled, those individuals may belong to only a few species; however, when more individuals are present more species will be represented. The second approach to rarefaction is to plot the number of samples along
But what really distinguishes rarefaction curves from SADs is that rarefaction randomly re-samples the pool of rarecurve()
function draws a rarefaction curve for each row of the species data table. All these plots are made with base R graphics Figure 11, but it will be a trivial exercise to reproduce them with ggplot2.
# Example provided in ?vegan::rarefy
# observed number of species per row (site)
S <- specnumber(BCI)
# calculate total no. individuals sampled per row, and find the minimum
(raremax <- min(rowSums(BCI)))
[1] 340
Srare <- rarefy(BCI, raremax, se = FALSE)
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(S, Srare, col = "indianred3",
xlab = "Sample size\n(observed no. of individuals)", ylab = "No. species found")
rarecurve(BCI, step = 20, sample = raremax, col = "indianred3", cex = 0.6,
xlab = "Sample size\n(observed no. of individuals)", ylab = "No. species found")
We can also use the iNEXT package for rarefaction curves. From the package’s Introduction Vignette:
iNEXT focuses on three measures of Hill numbers of order q: species richness (q = 0), Shannon diversity (q = 1, the exponential of Shannon entropy) and Simpson diversity (q = 2, the inverse of Simpson concentration). For each diversity measure, iNEXT uses the observed sample of abundance or incidence data (called the “reference sample”) to compute diversity estimates and the associated 95% confidence intervals for the following two types of rarefaction and extrapolation (R/E):
Sample‐size‐based R/E sampling curves: iNEXT computes diversity estimates for rarefied and extrapolated samples up to an appropriate size. This type of sampling curve plots the diversity estimates with respect to sample size.
Coverage‐based R/E sampling curves: iNEXT computes diversity estimates for rarefied and extrapolated samples with sample completeness (as measured by sample coverage) up to an appropriate coverage. This type of sampling curve plots the diversity estimates with respect to sample coverage.
iNEXT also plots the above two types of sampling curves and a sample completeness curve. The sample completeness curve provides a bridge between these two types of curves.
For information about Hill numbers see David Zelený’s Analysis of community data in R and Jari Oksanen’s coverage of diversity measures in vegan.
There are four datasets distributed with iNEXT and numerous examples are provided in the Introduction Vignette. iNEXT has an ‘odd’ data format that might seem foreign to vegan users. To use iNEXT with dataset suitable for analysis in vegan, we first need to convert BCI data to a species × site matrix (Figure 12):
List of 1
$ BCI: int [1:225, 1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 ...
..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
.. ..$ : chr [1:225] "Abarema.macradenia" "Vachellia.melanoceras" "Acalypha.diversifolia" "Acalypha.macrostachya" ...
.. ..$ : chr [1:50] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
The warning is produced because the function expects incidence data (presence-absence), but I’m feeding it abundance (count) data. Nothing serious, as the function converts the abundance data to incidences.
Distance-Decay Curves
The principles of distance decay relationships are clearly captured in analyses of
Elevation and Other Gradients
In once sense, an elevation gradient can be seen as specific case of distance decay. The Doubs River dataset offer a nice example of data collected along an elevation gradient. Elevation gradients have many similarities with depth gradients (e.g. down the ocean depths) and latitudinal gradients.
(To be reviewed by BCB743 student but not for marks)
Produce the following figures for the species data indicated in [square brackets]:
- species-abundance distribution [mite];
- occupancy-abundance curves [mite];
- species-area curves [seaweed]—note, do not use the BAT package’s
function as your computer might fall over; - rarefaction curves [mite].
Answer each under its own heading. For each, also explain briefly what the purpose of the analysis is (i.e. what ecological insights might be provided), and describe the findings of your own analysis as well as any ecological implications that you might be able to detect.
Using the biodiversityR package, find the most dominant species in the Doubs River dataset.
Discuss how elevation, depth, or latitudinal gradients are similar in many aspects to distance decay relationships.
The Lab 4 assignment is due at 07:00 on Monday 19 August 2024.
Provide a neat and thoroughly annotated R file which can recreate all the graphs and all calculations. Written answers must be typed in the same file as comments.
Please label the R file as follows:
(the <
and >
must be omitted as they are used in the example as field indicators only).
Submit your appropriately named R documents on iKamva when ready.
Failing to follow these instructions carefully, precisely, and thoroughly will cause you to lose marks, which could cause a significant drop in your score as formatting counts for 15% of the final mark (out of 100%).
author = {Smit, A. J.,},
title = {Lab 4. {Species} {Distribution} {Patterns}},
date = {2021-01-01},
url = {},
langid = {en}